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New Year, New You?

Champagne toast at midnight to ring in the new year. Three, Two, One! Happy New Year! …Fast forward and wake up the next morning and the day does not feel any different from the night before. Each year, millions of people create their goals for the new year with excitement and motivation. Whether it’s increasing wealth or decreasing weight, many of us forget that we don’t have to wait until midnight of January 1 to begin the inner work we all require. There is not a set date and time to initiate your mental health care. Seasonal Depression is a real thing! Isolation and loneliness during the holiday seasons can exacerberate mental health disorders. Whether it’s your fifth time rejoining a therapist or you‘ve never spoken to a mental health professional, the wait is over! Talk about your emotional stressors and do not hesitate to seek the help that you need. Consider your mental health like a bacterial infection, left untreated it can spread throughout your body and cause an immense amount of pain without antibiotic treatment. The infection gets worse and worse as time progresses and no intervention. The time is NOW! It is not by accident you are on this website and reading these words! Commit to this self care journey anytime of the year.

Happy Healing!

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